But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Acts 1:8
Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit in and over your life by activating your power, the Power of Ownership to take back your life and live in the life and life more abundantly promised. In the flesh we are faced with many challenges and often those challenges are beyond our ability to comprehend and or control, like the COVID-19 pandemic, but rest assured, God has given you power to overcome it all. The overcoming is connected to your ability to take charge of your life; your decisions and strategy for moving forward as well as your forethought, vision in your challenges to sustain and advance your abundant life. God chose you and I to be the crown of His glory, His revelation, use it to advance not just your abundant life but that of every one and everything in your space that is why you were chosen to be His witness. God, the Creator of all things, invites you and I, with Him, to make His Word, promises, flesh, real. If you would receive the Holy Ghost, God’s leading and guiding, permeating in your everyday walking around life, you will be empowered beyond your flesh; your human capabilities and abilities, to be more than a conqueror in and through all things. Exercise your Power of Ownership by your willingness to declare that you will live and not die in your situations and Catch the Wind of God and be carried away, overcoming and inheriting all things, declaring and manifesting the works, promises of God!