For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Acts 2:39
We have a promise, an assurance with a guarantee that if we believe and act in what should be as declared by God we will be brought to the place of fulfillment of His promises. The Spirit of God is God Himself and He purposed it to lead and guide us in the pathway that leads to our life and life more abundantly. It is in God’s Spirit, not the letter of the Law, how right we are, for in the law we could not achieve that which He desired and as a result He gave His only begotten Son to rescue us from our separation from Him and His Word in order to be reconciled made at one with Him and His promises. In being at one with God and His Word for our lives, He releases the full power of His Spirit to and for us. Catch The Wind of God’s Spirit and be brought nigh, near, to the very place of God’s promises for your life. It is in the Spirit in which we can live in the will of God, despite and in spite of our flesh, the noise and distortions around us. We may bend and often will fall short in our pursuing His Word for our lives, however, the wind of God catches our spirit and carries us to our place of promise. Feed your spirit with that which is the promises of God and own, exercise your Power Of Ownership and be released. Catch The Wind of God and be carried, blown right into the pathway of life for you, the very presence of God where there is the fullness of joy and at His right hand pleasures forever more!