Grace, Mercy, and Peace be unto you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
As people of faith we are responsible and accountable for the life and life more abundantly promised by God for our lives, our communities, and our world. The Word of God in Genesis 1:28 declares, “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion . . . . God has favored us to be caretakers of His creation and invited us into co-creator status with Him to ensure that what He has created is well cared for and expanded. Therefore, as our 2020 Lenten Series challenges, let us “Give Up To Give To," revealing God intentionally in all of our actions, being responsible and accountable to God, one another, and each other that we would be fruitful and multiply, caring for one another and God’s creation with the assignment of expansion, living and promoting the fullness of life and life more abundantly.
As a result of our call to God’s creation and to life and life more abundantly, beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, The Springs will suspend all of its in-person congregational ministry/activities until further notice. However, Sunday Morning Worships, 8AM and 10AM, as well as Thursdays’ Pastor’s Teaching, 12PM and 7PM, will be broadcast live via our website, Facebook, Youtube, and by Conference Call. In addition, our Tuesdays’ Corporate Prayer Experiences, 12PM and 6PM, as well as Wednesdays Journey Through The Bible Study, 6PM, and Saturdays Burning Bush Bible Study, 12:30PM, will be accessible by Conference call. Please see the reverse side of this letter for all access points/information for our Live Broadcasts, Conference Call numbers, Resources, and.Online Giving.
As you and I navigate these troubling waters of CONVID-19, please remember the following safeguards:
Clean Hands Often
Cover Coughs and Sneezes
Clean and Disinfect Frequently Touched Areas
Social Distancing (Least 6 feet)
Stay Home If You Are Sick; If Older Adult Or Have
Underlying Conditions Consult Dr.
Remember through Christ we can do all things. Please be faithful and well and may the Lord of all continue to reveal to you, us His grace, love, and power!
Yours for the Cause of Christ,
Pastor William Mathis, J.D., M.Div
Sundays’ Worship Experiences - 8AM and 10AM
By website:, click Watch tab
By Facebook: @revwilliammathis
By Youtube: Media Springs
By Conference Call: 712.770.5505, 201686#
Thursdays’ Pastor’s Teaching Experiences - 12PM and 7PM
By website:, click Watch tab
By Facebook: @revwilliammathis
By Youtube: Media Springs
By Conference Call: 712.770.5505, 201686#
Weekly Ministry Opportunities
Tuesdays’ Prayer Experiences - 12PM and 6PM: By Conference Call: 712.770.5505, 201686#
Wednesdays’ Journey The Bible Study - 6PM: By Conference Call: 712.770.5505, 201686#
Saturdays’ Burning Bush Bible Study - 12:30PM: By Conference Call: 712.770.5505, 201686#
Judah’s Army/Children-Youth Church: Please contact Pastor Brown at and/or +1 203 497 8101 for scheduled activities
Ministry Resources
Daily Scripture Reading Calendar:, click About Us tab and then click Calendar of Events
Daily Meditation/Blog:, click Daily Word
Pastor’s Teaching Outline:, scroll down on Home page, click Pastor Notes, it will download and after downloading open
Online Giving
By website:, on any page in the top right hand corner click Donate or Give
By Givelify: Download/Access Givelify App, locate Spring of Life-Giving Water Church, 375 Howard Avenue, New Haven, CT 06519 and follow prompts.
By PayPal: Download Paypal App or access, follow prompts to give, enter, and follow prompts.
By CashApp: Download App, follow prompts, identify $TheSpringsofLife and follow prompts.
By Mail/Drop-off (Mail Slot): Springs of Life-Giving Water Church, 33 Lamberton Street, New Haven, CT 06519
Contact Us
Springs of Life-Giving Water Church
33 Lamberton Street
New Haven, CT 06519
+1 203 497 8101 (office)
+1 203 990.4973 (text only)