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Examine me, O Lord, and prove me;

try my reins and my heart.

Psalm 26:2

Build Capacity for your life is a task that requires self-examination. Self-examination is an internal accounting of who you are at the present moment in comparison to who you should be. Even as we march toward a new year, it is our society’s culture to establish New Year Resolutions, goals for the coming year, and in order to successfully set goals it requires us to see and accept our starting point in order to get to where we expect, our destination. We cannot expect to get somewhere if we are not willing to understand where we are. The gift of God to our lives is His Spirit that convicts, bring things to our remembrance as well as lead and guide us into all truth. Invoking the Spirit of God is our supernatural power to transport us to what should be for our lives, our expectation of the fulfillment of God’s promises. As we are honest with our self and with God we receive insight of how to Build Capacity to arrive at our God ordained destination, to LIVE and to do so abundantly! Engage God, His Spirit right where you are and begin the necessary work to Build Capacity to move forward and achieve that which God has already prepared and is the expected end of God’s promises for your life. Be assured, no matter what your circumstances are or what lies ahead, you have the power within to do exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ever ask or think. Do not be afraid, know your starting point and build out for that which should be!


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