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Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.

I Timothy 4:14

Guard Your Anointing because it is the very power of your deliverance in and through all things. Whatever your adversity may be, it is destroyed because of your anointing; your willingness to diligently pursue that which God’s have purposed and planned for your life. God ordained you, set you aside as the God Creator of all things to the journey of life that glorifies Him and His will, for that you were specifically chosen to play a significant part in what God is up to in the world. Because God values you and the gift that He has given unto you, sends you forth with a great treasure, your chosen-ness of assignment, your anointing. Guard Your Anointing for it is the very power ;purposed and planned by God for you to LIVE and fulfill His will, glorifying Him. LIVE in your anointing, diligently pursuing that which God has declared and ordained for your life for in it is your victory, your power in which you overcome and inherit all things, the very life and life more abundantly promised by God!


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