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Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.

Psalm 145:1-3

Guard Your Anointing by always keeping your focus on God and His purpose and plan for your life. By lifting God continuously the light of God and His power will overshadow your life and life’s challenges. We can focus on what is wrong and spiral downward on roads of destruction or we can choose to focus on what God has declared and ordained for our lives lifting us above the fray to see and seize His promise of life and life more abundantly. It takes initiative on our part to see and seize beyond what is to what should be. God has already equipped us to LIVE fully through and in all things but we must choose to LIVE. Everyday barak, kneel to the power of God and allow His Spirit to enlighten and assist you to navigate life and life’s challenges to your expected end of God’s promise of a well-lived and joy filled life. God is great and nothing and no one can stand against Him, darkness is scattered and He is revealed and He reveals you and His promise for your life. LIVE in your promise by ensuring that you Guard Your Anointing, His chosen-ness for your life by focusing and honoring Him above all things, destroying and annihilating any and all things that would hinder or prevent you from living in His promise of life and life more abundantly!


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