I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel:
my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.
Psalm 16:7
The gift of the Spirit from God to us is our guard rail to the promise of our life and life more abundantly. God breath into us and on us so that we would be empowered to navigate life and life’s challenge and fulfill His created purpose and plan for our lives. God who made us and our life has laid out our lives before we ever existed. God’s path leads to our well-lived and joy filled life but requires us taking the initiative to flow in what He has ordained and prepared for us. Life and its challenges can become a hindrance to us if we do not have the power to overcome the circumstances, to take the initiative, and LIVE as God has intended. Your initiative coupled with the Spirit has been given for us to discern and decide that which is the way that leads to our promise, to use our gift of discernment and ingenuity. Guard Your Anointing, the very path God has created for you by embracing and accepting the Spirit’s counsel to lead and guide you using your ingenuity to navigate to the destiny God has declared. The decision to choose God and His way requires that you get in His way and as you do God provides all of your need, the wherewithal to navigate life and win. It does not matter whether you are in the night season of life and your circumstances, engineer you was through. God is there embodied in His Spirit to lead and guide, intuitively revealing to you your path of life so you may see and seize your way, His ordered steps for your life. Take the initiative in your life and LIVE with God in control, guiding you, providing you the ingenuity and intuitiveness to your promised life and life more abundantly and enjoy the abundance of His power and love in and overt life!