Who knoweth not in all these
that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this?
In whose hand is the soul of every living thing,
and the breath of all mankind.
Job 12:9-10
Everything there is exist because of God. To LIVE fully in thee world God created and purposed and planned for you to exist, we must understand and embrace the framework that God has created, everything is purposed and designed to assist in His revelation and the fulfillment of His purpose and plan for you. Nothing happens by accident or happenstance, it is all Divinely ordered and it is up to you to Guard Your Anointing. There are no surprises to God instead revelation to us of His purpose and plan, therefore, we must be sure of our anointing and guard it through the process of life and life’s challenges to ensure that what God intends finds us available and willing vessels. Offering ourselves as a living sacrifice is our reasonable service and its is through the renewing of our mind of what God has intended for our life and life more abundantly that provides the necessary guardrails to Guard Your Anointing. LIVE fully in and through all things releasing and Guarding Your Anointing for the fulfillment of the well-lived and joy filled life God promised and intended for you in and through all things!