Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
Life and life’s challenges have come to get us off focus, distracting and/or detouring us from that which God has promised for our life and life more abundantly. To avoid the distractions and detours that life and its challenges bring, we must Live By The Spirit. Live By The Spirit releases us from having to bear the burden and tasks of finding and maintaining the route to our path of life that God has designated for our well-lived and joy filled life. We can LIVE by releasing ourselves to the Spirit of God and be set free to God and His way. Without question being set free to God’s way will not come without its challenges but it is the Spirit of God that keeps us alive and steadfast in God’s purpose and plan for our lives. The determination and confidence to LIVE requires us to be steadfast, to be determined and endure that which we believe should be. You and I must make up in our mind, in which the Spirit confirms and supports, that we are going to LIVE and LIVE fully in and through all things by holding fast to what we believe should be and resist the entanglement of that which would distract and detour. Live By The Spirit and allow God to direct our paths to the life and life more abundantly He has promised!