Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
I Corinthians 12:4
God’s gifts are poured out freely to us all to accomplish God’s purpose and plan for our lives, yielding life and life more abundantly. The gifts of God are diverse in nature and are intentional for the purposes of fulfilling the assignment God has designated for you. The evil of life is our challenge to see ourselves as individuals within a community and not the same as everyone else and/or comparing our value or worth to others. Equip Yourself with the gifts God freely gives to you and be confident about what you have for it is essential to you fulfilling God’s assignment and thus yielding your life and life more abudnnalty. God’s gifts are diverse but are specific and intentional to and for you. Occupy Your Promise as the individual God created you to be and Equip Yourself in serving and connected to community without taking on a like-us-istis that can and will hinder your building out the well-lived and joy filled life promised!