For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today if ye will hear his voice,
Psalm 95:7
God is our God and we are the sheep of His pasture; God is our Shepherd and thus, our caretaker in all things. God as our Caretaker will not allow us to be or go to a space that we are ill equipped to handle. God will led us to green pastures and still waters where we will be adequately fed and flourish into what is our promise of life and life more abudnnalty. Further, God will not allow us to be consumed by the danger of life or its journey for He not only will protect us but also equip us to overcome, to do all things that are required to win. All of God’s care is available to you and I if we would hear His voice; follow the leading and guiding of our Shepherd-God. God has gone before us and prepared the way, including providing everything we need along the way. Equip Yourself by leaning not to your own understanding or abilities but allow God’s Positioning System, The Holy Ghost, to lead and guide you. Occupy Your Promise by acknowledging our Shepherd God as your provider and receive what you need to receive and enjoy your life and life more abudnnalty!