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Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

II Timothy 2:19

Our Identity With God provides us the necessary foundation to build out our well-lived and joy filled life as promised by God. Identifying With God indicates that we have and are developing a relationship with God that is personal and intimate. Our personal and intimate relationship with God indicates that we are His and are influenced in our actions by Him. Our actions that mirror and reflect God gives us access to the fullness of God as His ambassadors and thus entry into all things and His power to overcome all things. Develop and nurture an intimate and personal relationship and Occupy Your Promise. God’s Word is Him self, and as you are one with Him you have full access to the power of God in and over life. As you journey with God toward His promise of life and life more abudnnalty, one with Him, you repel the things of life, internally and externally, that cause you to be separated and/or not enjoy the fullness of His promise of life and life more abudnnalty!

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