Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
Jude 1:24
One of the barriers to our stepping up to the role of Co-Creator with God is our sense of feeling inadequate, causing us to second-guess ourselves and potential outcome of developing that which God has declared for our lives. Do not be deceived, your feeling of inadequacy is a spirit of negativity and darkness attempting to separate, shadow the light of God’s Word, promise for your life. You are more than able and you will not let God down; God knows and knew and has your back and if necessary, will reach out and lift you up to the place and status you belong. God is able to keep you from falling and place you in the space, position, center of your circumstances that gives you victory and overcoming power to reveal Him and His promise for your life. Occupy Your Promise you have a safety net in God who will lift you and position you to victory and the life and life more abundantly promised!