For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me.
I Corinthians 9:17
To Fully Occupy your circumstances implies a willingness on your part to achieve that which you believe should be for your life. Your willingness is an indication that you believe and thus are willing to take necessary action to build out your well-lived and joy filled life. It is your willingness that God gets the glory and is moved to do whatever is necessary, release whatever is necessary, make available whatever is necessary for you to achieve your life and life more abundantly. God is extremely pleased with your faith and graciously and abundantly rewards you. Occupy Your Promise by your willingness to press toward the mark of the higher calling, pleasing God, which positions you for His reward, the exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ever ask or think!