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He brought me forth also into a large place: he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

II Samuel 22:20

Taking Possession of your promise positions you so that God can take you into a large place. The large place is the abundance God intends for our lives. As you Take Possession of what God has promised you, it signals that you believe what should be as declared by God and thus are willing to move and flow in the direction, steps ordered by Him. The reward of our abundance is not because of how good and perfect we are but how faithful we are to what God has declared for our lives. God already knew and knows that you will make some missteps and mistakes in your life but because of His love for us He has already made a way for us to escape the temptations of our lives as well as opened paths for renewal and repentance that allows you to recognize and reveal Him, the fullness of God’s power and love. Occupy Your Promise because God loves you and despite your abilities, capabilities and lack thereof He desires for you to be one with Him and His promises for your life!

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