In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke. Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Isaiah 6:1-8
Living in The Spirit reminds us constantly of whom God is. Understanding whom God is focuses us on God in the midst of our situations and relieves us of expending all of our energy on the chaos and confusion of our situations. The Spirit leads and guides through the situation focused on what God is up to and what He is challenging us to in order to live in our life and life more abundantly. As a result of our focusing on God in our situations it becomes revealing of who God is and the power God has deposited and makes available to us. We see God in all of His sovereignty, reigning over all things and making available to us the opportunity to overcome and inherit all things. We are thus challenged in our experiences through The Spirit to live up to our potential, the promises of God for our lives. Focus on God and Let’s Go In with the revelation of the fullness of God manifested in our lives